
Financial and Non-financial guarantees

You need strategies and solutions to help you navigate an uncharted environment
Contact us
Use our lease, customs and other financial guarantees as a substitute for cash deposits with your counterparties, freeing your working capital and potentially securing favorable contract terms. Provides financial security to the beneficiary should the applicant fail to make payment for the services supplied.
Open up new opportunities with HSBC Bank Armenia issued guarantees, negotiate better contract terms via our performance and warranty guarantees and secure up-front payments via our advance payment guarantees.

At a glance

Want to expand your field of commercial activities

Are looking to enter new geographical markets

Aim to reduce the risk of your international operations

Need to improve your cash flow management

Need to build a good relationship with the beneficiary

Want to give your beneficiary assurance from a world-class financial institution

Key benefits

  • Provides security to the counterparty by a reputable Bank.
  • Provides security for either financial or non-financial obligations.
  • Payment of the sum agreed in the Bank guarantee and standby documentary credit will be made in accordance with the terms of the Bank guarantee and standby documentary credit, on presentation of a complying demand from the Beneficiary, in spite of any issues arising from the underlying commercial contract.
  • As part of HSBC Group we can issue Bank guarantees and standby documentary credits through HSBC Group offices overseas.

Call us on:

+374 (60) 655 300

Open hours 09:00-18:00