
Bank guarantees tariffs

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Bank guarantees tariffs

Bank guarantees (BG) issued to Beneficiaries in Armenia

Issuance fee

  • 2.5% per annum of BG amount calculated proportionally for BG with validity of up to 181 days, minimum AMD 10,000.
  • For BG with validity over 181 days, on contractual basis.

Issuance fee is collected at the time of each BG issuance and is not subject to recalculation or refund in case of BG cancelation or early repayment.

Amendment fee

  • AMD 25,000 for each amendment issuance.
  • Additional issuance commission to be levied proportionally for amendments involving an increase in amount or extension of validity.
  • Cancellation of BG is considered as an amendment.

Payment under demand in case of default

0.3% of the claimed amount, minimum AMD 30,000.

Payment commission

Bank guarantees (BG) issued to Beneficiaries outside Armenia

Issuance fee

  • 1.5% per annum of guarantee amount calculated proportionally for cash covered BG, minimum AMD 10,000.
  • 4% per annum of guarantee amount calculated proportionally for non-cash covered BG, minimum AMD 30,000.
  • BG secured by third bank guarantee: on contractual basis1

Issuance fee is collected at the time of each BG issuance and is not subject to recalculation or refund in case of BG cancelation or early repayment.

Amendment fee

  • AMD 25,000 for each amendment issuance.
  • Additional issuance commission to be levied proportionally for amendments involving an increase in amount or extension of validity.
  • In case of change in security mean, issuance fee is reviewed accordingly based on existing tariffs.
  • Cancellation of BG is considered as an amendment.

Payment under demand in case of default

0.3% of the claimed amount, minimum AMD 30,000.

Payment commission

Banks guarantees issued by a third bank

Advising fee

AMD 30,000

Amendment advising fee

AMD 15,000

Demand processing fee

AMD 15,000

Standby letters of credit (SDC)

Issuance fee

  • 1.5% per annum from SDC amount and calculated proportionally for the part of it for cash covered SDC, minimum AMD 10,000, which is collected at the time of SDC issuance in lump sum
  • 4% per annum from SDC amount and calculated proportionally for the part of it for non-cash covered SDC, minimum AMD 30,000, which is collected at the time of SDC issuance in lump sum

In case if SDC is confirmed, confirming bank's commissions will be charged additionally.
SDC issuance fee is not subject to recalculation or refund.

Amendment fee

  • AMD 25,000 for each amendment issuance.
  • Additional issuance commission to be levied proportionally for amendments involving an increase in amount or extension of validity.
  • In case of change in security mean, issuance fee is reviewed accordingly based on existing tariffs.
  • Cancellation of SDC is considered as an Amendment.

Confirming bank fees

SDC confirmation fees applied by confirming/discounting bank, which in each case are advised to the customer by the Bank and collected.

Payment under demand in case of default

0.3% of the claimed amount, minimum AMD 30,000.

Payment commission

Confirmation fee

Confirmation fee for SDC received by the Bank in favour of the beneficiary, which in each case is defined considering the risks of SDC issuing bank and country, and is advised to the beneficiary.

Other Tariffs

  • Providing of copies of old/archived information/documents – AMD 3,000 for each document1.
  • Authentication and advice of received teletransmissions – AMD 25,000 for each teletransmission.
  • Telecommunication/SWIFT (AMD 3,000 each), courier charges (according to invoices), correspondent banks fees and other incidental expenses, if any, will be additionally debited to the customers' accounts, notifying customer afterwards.
  • AMD 10,000 account(s) servicing one-off fee is applicable for issuance of BGs, DCs and SDCs.
  • All Global Trade Solutions (GTS) fees and charges if paid to the Bank are payable upfront in Armenian Dram.

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